The colors are all my favorite colors,
especially the poppy red,
and the head wraps are soon going to be everywhere,
just wait and see.
The new textures and materials they are working with
make me happy - linen, net, and whatever silk that dress above is made of.
The ease and simplicity of this collection
harkens to the early days of VC,
when they were pulling these
seemingly randomly out of the air
and creating completely new things
that influence fashion so much
but their inception, their VC beginnings,
are rarely acknowledged.
These are girls who have more power than anyone may realize.

This top is a redo, I think, of something they made in one of their earliest collections,
with a zipper all the way up the back,
and a gorgeous abbreviated scoop neck.
I love this version.
My mother lusts over this shirt so much
that I gave it to her.
And, I'm hoping these are the pants I've been begging them to make again!
I think they might be!!!

Another item my mother and I both wear and cherish,
and that is what makes Vena Cava so awesome,
is that mothers and daughters and sisters and friends
all kinds of women
can wear their clothes-
though it's true they do cut for a certain body type,
which makes sense-
however, their collections usually strive for an ageless quality
that steers clear of trends and moments,
and inspires people to read more and take better care of the clothes they have
for these are clothes and ideas that will last a lifetime.
I have VC pieces that are from their very first collection
that I still wear
that still get me stopped on the street.
I wish I had this one dress from their first collaboration post-Parsons,
the one Sophie lent me for her graduation party.
I have a polaroid of it.
A knit sheath, long sleeves, high neck, black with brown strips of fabric sewn on
like armour or stained glass.
I would still wear that dress.
I think she sewed it herself.

New show collab with 10over6.
I love the thirties/forties, Kate Hepburn post tennis vibe.
And these yellow killers. Love a yellow sandal!

La la la love it!
Simple tribalish prints that remind me of Sophie's mom's couch.

What is it? Whatever it is it shall have a home in my closet.
I'm buying a new hanger today.
Huge fan of the coral lip. My favorite is Lipstick Queen Coral Sinner.
According to the makeup is this:
ON LIPS: M.A.C. Morange and Neon Orange lipstick. “We tried red and brown first, but that coral orange just felt right,” says McCulloch, who blended the shades together before pressing them onto the lip with his fingertip.
Awesome jewelry by Heather Kosch for Vena Cava

Perfect white linen jacket. Shall be my first suit?

I love this material. Reminds me of Fortuny.

Hello yellow!

I've been wanting this skirt for so long.
Tucker did a similarish version of a flowing silk skirt to the mid calf,
very seventies and great.
A non-purchased regret that shall be remedied.

Images lifted mostly from
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